Prince of Persia : The Journey Begins (2008) 
We all have been fans of the great Prince of Persia series do far. Time now my friends, is for another great release of Prince of Persia. This time Elika, the girl which helps Prince throughout the game, is the best part of the game. She helps Prince fight the bosses and takes him through wonder places. UbiSoft has done everything to make Elika your best AI partner and much more helpful. The stunning graphics is just a single addition out of the many big changes brought to Price of Persia: The Journey Begins. As seen in the trailer Elika is now the source of many of your time powers, and she’ll be integral to the new combat system. The Prince of Persia - The Journey begins will be launched somewhere near the end of this year or in the beginning of the Next year. It will be launched for PlayStation 3 and rumors are that it will be lauched for all the leading game consoles soon.



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