Not even the market leader supports as many archive formats as BitZipper. You may create 10 different types of archives (.bh, .bz2, .cab, .gz, .jar, .lha, .lzh, .tar, .tbz and .zip), 7 types of self-extracting archives and extract 20 different archive and encoding formats (.ace, .arc, .arj, .bh, .bz2, .cab, .gz, .jar, .lha, .lzh, .rar, .tar, .tbz, .tgz, .uue, .war, .xxe, .Z, .zip and .zoo), all without the need for external programs!
Strong encryption
BitZipper supports strong AES encryption and in June 2003 the U.S. Government (NSA) announced that AES is secure enough to protect classified information up to the TOP SECRET level, which is the highest security level and defined as information which would cause "exceptionally grave damage" to national security if disclosed to the public. Now YOU can protect your sensitive data with this unbreakable encryption scheme.



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